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Writer's pictureNightFlame

Chronicle of the Fae


No light or dark or air or hot or cold  existed in this plane,

Only painful, motionless, unchanging, uneventful void.

This would be the fate of the world we know, if only a miracle had not occurred;

The painful, confusing nothing cracked under its own impossibility,

And through those cracks were birthed beings of pure consciousness and thought. 

These were the Fae.

The Fae called out, 

“Why? Why were we brought to this prison of pain and solitude?

Why were we allowed to think?”.

There was no answer for them,

And so, they went mad.

The Fae cried out and cried inward in their solitude, loathing whatever cruel fate created them.

As a thought is given up on and forgotten, the Fae began to fade.

One by one they died  out, never to think or feel again.

Suffering became the Fae, 

Except for one, 

Who wrought its consciousness for some sort of answer to the disorder in this unordered world.

“An idea has been given to me.” It told the crippled brethren, 

“Like a message from the overarching schemer that sent us to this world.We were never sent here to suffer, but to create.” 

The Fae looked at it and wailed,

“How will we do such a thing? What is there to create?”

The Ingenious Faerie inspired them, “Just as this idea has shown itself to me, we will create from our thoughts! We will decide what there is to be created and create it!”.

The Fae were astounded. They pursued with their imagination towards any idea they could find.

They learned how to master the world and have it become less and less of nothing.

They created matter through sheer ingenuity.

Things began to happen in the happenless existence that they lived.

Excitement filled the time that they experienced.

One problem, however, presented itself. Despite their efforts, creations crumbled, chaos spread.

There were too many creations, none making any sort of sense at all.

The Ingenious Faerie attempted to construe a new idea forming within it.

It thought and thought, developed a way to plan, made plans, erased them, then did it all again.

Finally, the Ingenious Faerie created a plan that would solve the chaos.

It brought the Fae together and presented its idea,

“We must create order from this chaos, brethren. Nothing can exist without order.

To achieve this order we will work together in our creations, after creating a foundation of rules to follow.

These rules will decide what can and cannot exist in this malleable universe.”

The first of these rules were the building blocks of all matter, the creation of the elements.

It was decided that no matter could be made of anything outside of the elements.

With this new rule, creations flourished,

Fae were able to make coherent structures with their magic.

Not only did they use these elements alone, but they combined them to make new materials with new properties.

“But how do they interact?” One Faerie asked, 

And so they went back to rulemaking, deciding rules that matter must always follow.

They made the laws of physics, light, heat, cold, and all sorts of energy.

These rules allowed the Fae to create the universe that we now know.

Stars, planets, and all the materials that inhabited these lands.

Experimentation with their rules and creations spawned new creations to experiment with.

The empty nothingness has now become home to infinite creations, using the magic proposed by the Ingenious Faerie.

On they hungered for more and more discovery. They discovered and rediscovered to no content.

Hundred, thousands, millions, and even billions of years passed

As they developed their magic to the limit,

But the Ingenious Faerie soon got bored of these limits.

“These lost Fae can content themselves with the rules we’ve made, but I am more than these limits. Magic was meant to be explored, not confined and understood.” It thought to itself.

The Ingenious Faerie set off on its own, to the farthest corners of the universe

With the intention to create impossible things.

It used all sorts of rules and matter previously created.

Taking a star, he added to it. Giving it an enormous amount of fuel and mass,

Making it hotter and hotter,

Before finally cooling it off,

Causing a singularity to form as its own gravity collapsed into itself.

From this, a black hole was made, a nonphysical object of infinite density.

The Ingenious Faerie rejoiced at its creation and brought the Fae to behold.

“How terrible, it's consuming everything!” They said.

“Our creations are all at risk now!” They worried.

“What have you done!” They condemned.

“But it is a unique and new creation!” The Ingenious Faerie argued.

“Your hubris and ignorance knows no bounds, this cannot happen again.” The Fae decided.

Progress in the universe slowed to a near halt as the Fae enacted a system where none can

create without the permission of a council of Fae that would discuss, allow, and disallow


The Ingenious Fae was only allowed onto the council for his previous enlightenment of the Fae.

The Ingenious Fae was furious at the misunderstanding of the others.

It was torn between its values of progress and morality,

At least until a rather Compassionate Faerie approached it, questioning its woes,

“Oh, Ingenious Faerie, what could possibly be troubling you?”“I’ve come to regret this system I’ve created, fellow Faerie,” it answered,

“What is creation if all creations are the same?

What is a mistake, but a chance to learn?

Why must our growth be stunted with the only reason being fear?”.

The Compassionate Faerie thought briefly and answered, as if it already knew what was to be asked,

“While mistakes are imperative to progress, we must not be reckless.

What can be called progress when everything else is destroyed?”.

The Ingenious Faerie was not convinced and hung itself hopelessly.

“Come, Ingenious Faerie, I have something of interest to show.”The Ingenious Faerie agreed disinterestedly as it was brought to a 

Very small puddle

On the ground

On a planet.

The Ingenious Faerie looked on expectantly but saw nothing interesting at all.

“What is of note of this miniscule and insignificant puddle?” the woe-stricken Faerie asked.

“It is not the puddle but something I’ve created that lives within.” the Compassionate Faerie replied.


The Ingenious Faerie looked closer and saw tiny objects moving around, but there were no waves in the water.

“It is a living creature. It moves on its own, eats, makes more of itself, then dies. Each one can mutate and be different from one another, each having its own story.” 

The Compassionate Faerie explained,

“There is still so much to explore without wiping everything clean with the hot rays of destruction.”

The Ingenious Faerie was astonished at this discovery,

“Something that can move of its own free will! You’re spectacular, Compassionate Faerie!

We must show the others, so that we may improve upon this glorious idea!”

The Ingenious Faerie sped off to present this new line of Magical creations to the other Fae.

The Fae were just as astonished as the Ingenious Faerie was 

And they all rushed through the processes to get experiments approved.

Each Faerie made hundreds of creatures, 

Each more unique and more intelligent than the last.

Grass, trees, fish, rodents, birds, dinosaurs, and flowers all budded around the world.

The Ingenious Faerie, however, preferred to build upon the originally small ideas of the Compassionate Faerie.

It experimented with small cells invading the bodies of other creatures 

To survive and reproduce within.

It discovered that the best way for these pathogens to survive

Was to feed off the essential resources of invaded organisms.

This angered the Fae Council once more.

“You are destroying our creations with your corrupting abominations once again.”

“They live efficiently, however. 

They spread based on the interactions of other organisms.

It is a symbiotic relationship.” It defended.

“Parasitic is what it is.” a Faerie remarked.

“Symbiotic between your parasites and your own self-interests, maybe.” another retorted.

“Why must you destroy, O Ingenious Faerie?” the Compassionate Faerie lamented.

The Ingenious Faerie was crushed.

Not even its friend who inspired it was proud of this work.

It crawled back to the recesses of the universe

Where its first horrible mistake was tucked away.

The black hole, terrible and infinite.

“O, nova, 

Why is beauty locked away into simplicity?Why must progress only be built upon, rather than reforged?

Am I not as Ingenious as the Fae claim I am?

My work is much too dangerous and advanced for this world,

So I will create another.”

And so, the Ingenious Faerie experimented of its own volition on the black hole.

It took the infinite nothingness and reversed it, 

Creating a wormhole

That sucked its consciousness within.

Time stretched as it was flung through the crack of the universe.

Alone with its thoughts for uncountable time.



Mental torment,

Encapsulated by eternal solitude.


Forever ended,

And the Ingenious Faerie found itself in a plane of nothingness.

Rattled, it found itself contemplating the eternal anguish it put itself through 

And found one answer.

With this answer the experiment-hungry Faerie molded this dimension into incredulous creations, 

Impossible to conceive through the lens of our own world’s rules.

With its new findings the Ingenious Faerie threw itself back through the crack 

To present its findings and new ideas to the rest of the Fae,

Knowing that eternal torment would again come first.

Before confronting its brethren about its blatant disregard for the rules,

It pondered upon the progress that was made in its absence.

Only one, especially unique, creation had been brought about in the time it had been gone.


They were masters of their world,

Building, discovering, even taming wild beasts.

However, the Ingenious Faerie believed, there was something missing.

The humans would go about their tasks with no passion.

No drive,

No love,

No hate.

They merely survived because all there was to do was to survive.

The Ingenious Faerie came up with an idea

And this time it would argue for it before the Council.

“Council of Fae, I’ve come from a world with infinitely incomprehensible rules,

Ones much different from the ones we forged here,

To bring you a truly wondrous invention.

I propose to you that we add consciousness to the humans.

They have so much potential, but no reason to achieve it.

If we gave them the ability to suffer as we have,

Their problems,

Their terrors,

Their desires,

Would all give them room to innovate as we have.

Suffering breeds progress, as what point is there to create,

What purpose can exist without suffering?

Without suffering, even happiness cannot exist.

We will teach these children to feel pain so that they may not just master their own survival,

But master the universe,

Just as we have.”The Council of Fae was shocked at this proposal.

An uproar was created.

“How could you wish such a terrible fate upon them?”

“We’ve learned from that time and have learned to never make such mistakes again.”

“To suffer is to fade and die.”

“That dark age must never be returned to, for any creature.”The Ingenious Faerie wouldn’t yet give up.

“We wouldn’t be here today without the suffering we’ve endured. 

Everything would still be nothing.

Some may be overcome by their suffering, 

But others will overcome their suffering to achieve true advancement.”

The Council of Fae would still not budge.

“Their ignorance knows no bounds.” the Ingenious Faerie thought to itself.

“You have gone too far.

Blatantly breaking the rules that protect this universe,

Going off on your own, tearing apart the trust, communication, and teamwork we’ve developed.

We have decided to revoke your permission to practice Magic at all.

Possibly, after an eternity, you will have learned and you may get it back.”


A feeling unlike any it had felt before,

Filled its thoughts.

“I will show you progress, with or without your permission.” It commanded to itself.

The Rage-Filled Faerie threw itself upon Earth.

It sent down all the diseases it had developed, some even more horrible than before.

After the ends of the Earth had been dirtied with viruses,

It tore at its own consciousness,

Its ruptured and insane thoughts,

And embedded every human with it 

So that they could feel the full effects of the terrible times to come.

To the wailing, suffering, hurting, dying creatures it spoke.

“Humans, you may feel more horrific than you will ever feel, but know,

I understand your pain and so much more.

I have given you a gift that you will thank me for in time.

I have given you purpose.

Goals to strive for,

Obstacles to overcome.

Remember my name, mortals, for I am your savior,

Your God.

Worship the name Zenoth, 

The Sufferer,

The Torturer,

The Destroyer,

The Ingenious.

As a burned forest fertilizes new sprouts,

You have been rebirthed.”

Chaos ruled the Earth as disease, madness, and suffering wrecked every corner of society.

Panic struck every Faerie.

It was the Compassionate Faerie that, once again, confronted the Ingenious Faerie, Zenoth,

“Your narcissism has torn you to pieces.

You can no longer be allowed to exist in this realm.

Your intelligence has been clouded by your hunger for experimenting,

Regardless of its repercussions.”The Compassionate Faerie brought all of the Fae together to oppose Zenoth.

They struggled with their Magic to confine Zenoth.

“We will imprison you within your own horrible creation.

You may never be allowed to wreak such havoc and destruction again.”They combined their powers to lock Zenoth within his own hubris,

But not before he warped the black hole to consume several Fae to bring along with him.

“I will return!

Entropy is the eternal state of state of the universe,

It cannot be undone.

Chaos will spread across the world so that balance can be once again restored, 

then torn apart again.Eventually, there will be nothing but ruin,

And a new universe will need to be created.

When your power wanes,

When the humans celebrate the gift I’ve given,

I will become their God!”With this last cry, Zenoth was banished.

The Fae he brought with him were tortured within his plane of suffering

And turned into mad Demons.

Demons that could only conceive of suffering and hate.

Zenoth’s world imprinted itself upon their consciousnesses and corrupted them.

The Council of Fae, 

After defeating the cruel cosmic beast,

Turned to their world and realized their influence was too powerful.

“This world will live on and grow on its own.

None will be allowed to create ever again.”For eternity they vowed to use all of their Magic to contain Zenoth within his prison,

And leave Earth to its own devices.

Zenoth, however, still held power over humanity,

As they contained parts of his own insane consciousness,

And ones who give in to the suffering and insanity of their creator,

Are doomed to return to Zenoth in his dimension of suffering.

That was the origin of our world.

You see around you what became of Zenoth’s gift.

We evolved and learned, but terrible tragedies occurred in the meantime.

War, disease, greed, famine,

All the fault of Zenoth.

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