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Writer's pictureNightFlame

SPRFK #2: First Heir: Ringalio, the Sun

Updated: Oct 2

Of all of the princes it could only be argued and concluded that one was pure of heart. This prince was Ringalio. Ringalio was a scholar who dedicated his life to his kingdom. He poured over books, studying the ring, its history and properties. He served his people, doing charity and spreading goodwill. He was beloved by all, and not just because of his fair skin, long, shining golden hair, nor his gentle expression that he carried wherever he went. He had an elegant way of speaking; always perfect, without stutter, and always maximally respectful, whether to servant or king. His charm, benevolence, and wisdom knew no bounds. 

From a balcony, the vibrantly setting sun can be seen

Its cradled in the golden arches that adorn the outer walls of the city

I am proud of you, my boy.

One day all that you see will be yours.

There is no response.

The sun recedes into the horizon, slowly darkening center of the arches across the city

He began his life as a mischievous but never cruel child. He made many friends. One time he gathered a dozen children to help him steal the wedding rings of countless women. After collecting an ample amount, they all dispersed, using the rings to profess love to the very same women, offering their rings back to them in exchange for their hand in marriage. They played a game to see who could get the most to agree. All of the children were scolded, chased away in anger as they dropped the rings behind, giggling as they ran. Ringalio did not participate, as he thought it would be cheating since he was the heir to the throne. Ringalio himself made sure none of the other children were reprimanded and took full responsibility for the escapade. Some of the children even fashioned rings for the boy after the fact. Despite none of their advances succeeding, none hung their heads when turned away. Ringhold soon looked back on this day in glee, it becoming a holiday where all make rings to give to their friends and family in a platonic profession of love.

White robes with a gold trim

Golden hair lit by radiant streams, caressing his face

He sits, looking upon a book with an ever so soft smile, as if holding a sleeping infant

Ringalio, I’ve missed you.

It's been far too long, hasn't it, Brother?

As soon as he came of age, Ringalio left the city. He took no guards and no servants, but only a horse and what he could fit in its saddlebags. It is rumored that he dedicated every inch of space in his storage to books as he left. He voyaged in search of knowledge and experience. He learned of temperance from monks. He learned of art from famed artisans. He learned of sorrow and kindness from the poor. He learned of mathematics and philosophy from the greatest colleges. All during this time, he scoured for ancient lore of The Ring. The years-long journey was documented in its entirety. These documents were hidden from the public by the royal family, then likely burned.

When he returned, the city celebrated, rejoicing as the golden heir had come back. The city all gathered to give gifts to him. Rather than turning away these gifts, he graciously accepted them. Even his nine younger brothers came to him with gifts. Aside from accepting these gifts, Ringalio did not participate in the celebrations. Instead, he went to work. 

Using all of his gained knowledge and worldly experience, he became a proponent of charity, technology, and magic. In this wonderful society, he identified the flaws and made it even better. He liquified his countless gifts and used the funds to propel his charitable ventures. He lectured schools on methods of teaching, organized socialized systems of welfare for the poor and needy, and even gave incentive to those who participated in charity. His advances in technology led to more efficient procurement and use of resources that then led to the city becoming even bigger, his advice on architecture creating an incredible outer district dedicated to everything he believed in. Even magic was improved with his counsel, though he had never been seen practicing himself. Ringhold grew anxious to the day when he would be crowned King.

The ringed lanterns of the dark city shine like hollow stars from the balcony

They almost seem to mock the stars that shine above them

Where have you been, I must speak with you.

Father, I’ve been thinking.

The time has come. Your time is now.

The silent air holds their words like frozen raindrops

I will not be King.

After all of his achievements, he left Ringhold to prosper on its own. He locked himself in his study for a long time, pouring over his notes. It was rumored that during the rare moments he was seen, he looked disheveled and sleepless. These rare moments were often spent in the dead of night within the presence of The Ring. His signature soft smile looked a little more strained and tired. Only a select few servants had contact with him at this time. Later on it was learned he was deciphering the texts and evidence regarding Ringhold’s history and conception, going even further back to look into the demon that it held and the heroes that defeated it. Nothing could keep him from his research. Spending all of his time contemplating The Ring, he arrived at an answer he liked.

The marble pews of the Great Chapel of Ringhold hold delicate inscriptions

All facing the center of the building, where the slowly spinning huge golden Ring floats

I give to you, Ring, my body, my mind, and all my ambitions.

The extravagant room is dimly lit by The Ring

Understand, without mercy, the meaning of my death and bring prosperity to my people.

Blazing Brightness: Fuel for the Eternal Hearth

You can only give so much.

You close your eyes, but white fills your vision anyway. You feel the white light spread to your entire body. The ability to see is not needed to know that you are glowing with the power of the sun. Your body tingles, the light is eating away at you. The life inside of you leaves you first, but it feels like bliss. As your body begins to be siphoned away into The Ring, you feel close to it. The familiar gives way to brief regret as the white fades to sudden nothing.

You are fed to The Ring.

After concluding all of his research, he decided that there was only one thing to be done. As a mortal, he could only live so long, and he knew that corruption would replace him after he is done, as it always does. Even in the time he had been researching alone, citizens had already begun to exploit the systems he put in place. In order to remedy this problem, he believed he could lift his people up to ascend past the desire for superiority. After creating the only spell he would ever cast, he used it to sacrifice himself to The Ring, giving himself to embolden the artifact and through it, his people. 

His act was proven to not be in vain, at least yet. When he gave himself to it, the effects were felt across the Kingdom the very next day. All of the effects of The Ring that blessed the population were accentuated; the intelligence, the strength, the magic. The death of the first heir was felt strongly, as well. The people mourned for Ringalio, the Saint, but were proud that his death was only the price of the gift he gave to them.

Despite his initial success, you will soon see it was a mistake. Ringalio underestimated the evil of man, and even the goals of The Ring itself. He did not suspect anything that came next, nor did anyone, as you will discover with the tale of the Second Heir: Archbishop Hortring.

Ringalio’s sin was his Altruism.


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