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Writer's pictureNightFlame

Two Page RPG: Wizard Duel

This is a simple turn-based RPG where you prepare your spells and then fight each other. It can be text-based or verbal. This requires you to be descriptive and creative. This game emphasizes roleplay more than the competition. The goal is to play out a cool fight and pretend you’re a fucken wizard. 

Here are the rules:

  • You start by making a character sheet for your wizard, deciding your spells and effects.

  • You can cast 3 spells on your turn. These represent 3 actions.

  • On the other person’s following turn, they must respond to the actions and cast 3 spells of their own.

  • There are 3 ranges; close, medium, and far.

  • You can ready a spell to go off under a certain condition. If the condition is not met, nothing happens. If the condition is met, you have to execute the spell as was intended.

  • Each starts with 10 health.

  • If there are more than two wizards: When a spell is cast against the target, the target will be able to respond unless the spell is interrupted by a different wizard. Yes this means being ganged up on will suck. In a team fight, the turns of each teams’ members will be staggered.

Here is the wizard sheet template:

Wizard Name: Optional

Wizard bio/appearance: Optional

Basic (Melee or Ranged): This is one of your two basic attacks. You can have two melees, two ranged, or one of both. Melee attacks do 2 damage but only work in close range. Range attacks do 1 damage from any range.

Basic (Melee or Ranged): ^^^^^^^^

Movement: This is your movement spell. It is how you get around and dodge. You can dodge an attack by casting this spell. It takes a movement to move sideways in the same range. It takes a movement to go closer or farther in range by one.

Defensive: This is your spell that defends you from damage.Utility: This is an ability that gives you an advantage in some way. It can’t damage your opponent but it can hinder them in some way.

Signature: This is your creme de la creme. Your big bad move. The cooldown should be twice the damage. It should also have some sort of other special effect. It costs 2 spells in a turn to cast.

Extra: Everyone gets one extra. If you put an extra by a spell it allows it to break some of its restrictions, supposedly making it stronger. A utility spell can do damage, a defense spell can move you. 

Magic Item: This shouldn’t be very powerful but give a slight bonus in some way.

These are just guidelines, if there are penalties or it would just be cool to do so, make a spell more powerful. I think it's enough that no one would fight a wizard with absurd abilities, nor would it be fun to play as one.

Here is a sample Wizard Sheet:

Name: NightFlame

Description: A pale-skinned blue-haired cryomancer in a white coat.

Basic Melee: Frozen Grasp- I grab my opponent, freezing the touched area, dealing 2 damage.

Basic Ranged: Icicle- I manifest an icicle to launch at my opponent, dealing 1 damage.

Movement: Icy Wind- A cold wind blows me and I slide across surfaces or glide through the air like it was ice.

Defensive: Ice Wall- I create a wall of thick ice to defend me from attacks. Defends up to 3 damage before being destroyed, unless me or my opponent moves around it.

Utility (Extra): Frost Wave- I slam my fist on the ground creating a shockwave of frost up to medium range, freezing the ground in close range. In the initial shockwave, an opponent still touching the ground is frozen in place for 1 turn and takes 1 damage. While standing on the ice, if you take damage, you must spend a movement to not fall to the ground (Being frozen on the ground negates this effect).

Signature: Blizzard Flash-Blossom- 6 turn cooldown. 3 damage. Activates the next turn. I meditate, stilling the air and mana within, then send a burst of whipping cold wind, affecting close and medium range. Any opponent caught within takes 3 damage and is frozen in place for 2 turns.

Magic Item: Frost Fairy Charm- This charm is enchanted with a frost fairy's kiss. Expending a move, I can kiss the charm, filling my lungs with a blizzard wind that I can release at any time to send a wind blowing at a close opponent, forcing them to spend a move to stay in place, or be blown back one range step.

Example Fight:

Wiz 1:

I hold out my hand and cast Firebolt.

I jump forward, getting closer with Firestep. (Medium > Close)I then cast Fire Punch.

Wiz 2: I cast Ice Wall, blocking your Firebolt. (Wall HP: 2)

I use Icy Wind to sidestep your Fire Punch.

I then use Frozen Grasp to attack you.

Wiz 1:

I get hit by your Frozen Grasp (HP: 9)

I cast Fire Punch.

I ready Firestep to follow you if you move away.

I throw another Fire Punch at you.

Remember to be descriptive and have fun. Feel free to comment below your own wizard, ask questions, or challenge me or another to a duel. In the future I may add to this, adding more modes like free-for-alls and teams for more than two players. I think it would also be cool to do like a tournament for fun at some point.

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